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Cool Beans 🌞
GM GM! I am urging you to go vote NO on this proposal. This is not VRBiSh enough in my opinion. Most money is going to "merch" and housing costs. They want to brand Tic Tacs and Chapstick which are both disposable items that will end up in land fills and maybe even in some of our balls. There are better uses of limited funds we have. This is almost 8% of the treasury. Please go read the proposal for yourselves and vote accordingly! ❤️
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i definitely don't want chapstick down under maybe @afo.eth can work in some recycled materials into the plan / adjust based on this feedback somehow?
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Too funny @ down under . I definitely feel you @coolbeans1r.eth . The mission is to not just expose people to at ethdenver about vrbs but local groups and also media for a documentary. Definitely need a revision as this was more of an overview of bringing vrbs into the fold as we want to promote vrbs to all on this road to regenecy
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Cool Beans 🌞
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