Kristi Klaudy pfp

Kristi Klaudy


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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Have been diving deeper into EigenLayer and while doing so, I have come across two new realizations:
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
I think that ZkSync did an amazing job with the airdrop. - 67% goes to community - the airdrop allocation design was based on thinking of the long-term behavior of an average real user - no further games with points I would find it very hard to complain.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Yes, I completely agree there! That was also the point of the cast - optimizing for social slashing is not the best idea. But when you take in to account that e.g. NATO decide to take Ethereum down, $1T won't stop them. The question is whether this is the case in which relying on social slashing is reasonable.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
That's a such a good point. I think that this is where it might get tricky when it comes to designing, what is the acceptable/large enough amount of economic security. Or whether it even make sense to trying to fight with such scenario with economic security. Afterall, there is limited amount of wealth in the world.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
I agree with Justin that economic security is not a meme. Here is why: Social slashing requires coordination. Any coordination is slow and messy. Economic security is a preventive measure that reduces the motivation to conduct an attack in the first place.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Welcome back, Anthony! We were waiting for this cast! Well deserved victory!
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Yeah, the monetization idea was a bit surreal. I am really curious whether it will be a thing.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
One of the things that was mentioned during the episode was the difference between web 2.5 games and onchain games: - web 2.5 - you own the asset no matter what. Even if it doesn't make sense from the game's logic - onchain - if someone robs you in the game, you don't own the asset anymore. Brutal, but more logical
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Right?! I really like games, but I wasn't particularly stoked about the "web3" games we have right now. But I am very stoked about this concept. Mainly because it actually can go beyond gaming. I don't have a clear picture of how it would look like in my head, but just the notion is so cool.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
I have to say that the Autonomous Worlds ep was mind-broadening. Here are some of the thoughts that stuck with me: 1) Math creates another universe, and computers turn it into multiplayer with interobjective reality. 2) Autonomous Worlds builds on this concept to push blockchains beyond read, write, and own.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
One of crypto's superpowers is that teams like Eigenlayer listen to people and are willing to adjust plans based on the feedback But I really hope that the lesson we'll take from this won't be that bullying great teams pays off Any disagreement can be expressed in a constructive way imo.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
On the non-transferability note, I think that they just want to give people time to learn about the mechanism. If you allow trading from get-go, just a few people will care about what the token does. However, if you unlock options one by one, people has less things to decide about. Staking->delegating->trading...
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Completely agree. I am actually not really surprised by their decisions and I think that most of them were correct.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Sure, I think that it is correct and EigenLayer team also mentioned that. What I view as innovative is the combination of EigenLayer and Ethereum consensus and leveraging that for securing services where slashing cannot be really done just based on the parametrs specified in the code.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
That's really great to hear. It always makes me a bit sad to see how people rally together to hate on good projects just because they expected a higher allocation of free money. Even more disappointing is when people actually even don't notice what the token can do and what the project wants to build.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
This is how I view EIGEN and why I am actually happy with the airdrop.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
EIGEN massively broadens the innovation Eigenlayer brings. Why? It's not just a gov token. It serves for slashing faults that aren't objective and require a social consensus - e.g. data availability, oracle results, predictions Without overwhelming Ethereum! 👇
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Yeah, it's everywhere. I guess mainly because of the restaking narrative, which is also why we will see more resteking-related projects in the upcomming months imo. That doesn't mean that projects are bad. It's just a really good time to go out with the infor about them.
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
BOLD is out and it's a big deal for L2s. It allows anyone to check the Arbitrum's state and challenge incorrect claims. Meaning even one honest validator can win over the whole world of dishonest participants just by running BOLD. Abritrum keeps pushing rollup tech to the endgame!
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Kristi Klaudy pfp
Kristi Klaudy
Quite surprised by so many takes about Karak being superior because it expands restaking beyond ETH. Actually, EigenLayer has restaking of any token on its roadmap from the very beginning. TMK, they just plan to add it later. The advantage of Karak can be restaking of non-EVM tokens and restaking via L2s directly
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