kompreni 🅱️ pfp
kompreni 🅱️
I like this unironically. There's the saying "too smart for your own good" - and that definitely applies to fiat money (which somehow rationalizes that we can escape the debt crisis)
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kkoma🎩🍖 pfp
I have a question! If I add REFI to a liquidity pool, can I still receive allocation rewards? Or do I need to hold REFI in my wallet to get allocation rewards?
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kompreni 🅱️ pfp
kompreni 🅱️
You will need to stake refi in rebase (not supported yet -- soon!)
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kkoma🎩🍖 pfp
Oh! When is the snapshot taken?
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kompreni 🅱️ pfp
kompreni 🅱️
Its not snapshot-based. It will be powered by $refi staking, similar to how $refi is getting issued to stakers (of other coins) today.
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