kingy.degen.eth pfp



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kingy.degen.eth pfp
I came way to late to $SOL myself and was exit liquidity. Have the exact same feelings as ya on $BTC 🤣 Def feel @meonbase gives a shite about Web3 where it's already been proven that OS couldn't care at all.
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
Whoa LFG 👏 🦄
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
Indeed 🦄
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
💯 Upward and Onward. Wait til we hit 1Mil hodlers‼️ Simply amazing 👏 🦄
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
😆 Sometimes it's hard to read the emotion of what seems like some1 bitchin on the timeline about a bad experience..I look at it as an almost review of w/e their issue was and learn from it. OR wen I'm bitchin about issues with some..I mean..constructively criticizing some new tech, I can give my 2cents/input too.
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
'Preciate that homie🤙 It's a /basefrens by @basefrens Pink Hoodies wen I'm feeling chilly - 🎩 wen I'm getting dapper
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
Yet another MASSIVE /success ‼️ Even when days are down and markets get bloody - there is progression within Our space. We are Web3 We are $DEGEN 🎩 🖖
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
Keep it up my fren. Just swapped a bit into /9to5 on this dip - and look forward to adding. I keep hearing the buzz around our little FC Ecosystem we building here and have nowhere to go but up 🖖
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
You make a point. Being early tho, bring the experiences and clout that comes with enduring those bugs and triumphing through them. I love that /wearesoearly cuz it makes us worthy of showing the next wave of Farcaster's how the Purple App is a wholesome community that has just as much /degen w/o the indecency‼️
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
What a massive /success big homie @maretus.eth 👏 All /hypersub hodlers will continue on their own journey with The Success Syndicate at their back. We an army - litterally here to build each other up‼️ 🎩 🖖
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
Great way to push forth into the new week‼️ 🖖
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Iron Chef Leftovers 🎩🍖🦔 pfp
Iron Chef Leftovers 🎩🍖🦔
I am on the verge of two big personal milestones: topping 1300 rank and a 3 digit allo. (I’m probably jinxing myself😂😂) That being said, I HAVE SOME DOPE NEWS TO SHARE TOMORROW!! I’M SUPER EXCITED TO [THING] A NEW [THING] !! ⚡️⚡️💜⚡️⚡️ (hint hint)
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
You as well @syout 🖖
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
Ugghhh-oohhhh..... Is the Dune Analytics what $DEGEN itself refers to? Tip Claim day is all but upon us..the team should fig it out 🤞
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Maretus 🎩 pfp
Maretus 🎩
So, like 1/3 of the season is missing from Dune rn. About 9-10 days of missing data. Hopefully this is easy enough to sort out. The tip data is all there in the casts and Neynar tables; so it should be OK. My only concern is if the allowances were super whack during that period and overtipping happened?
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
MosDef‼️ 2 $DEGEN
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
OpenSea ofc has first mover advantage... Magic Eden, though, has made a name for itself on $SOL and also is a huge proponent for the $BTC-NFT/Ordinal/Runes movement. I guess I'm just partial to ME's Reward system. Also, OpenSea publicly acts just as a business and not for the betterment of the Web3 ethos.
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kingy.degen.eth pfp
3 $degen Optimized via /jeeves 🪄 x /degenpad ITO Optimizer
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