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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
tipping every answer I like 50$ degen for an answer to the question: if you'd create a coin - what would it be? Around what character, event, value, ideology or vision? It can be anything, literally anything. Not just a meme!
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Sharas.eth ⚑️ pfp
Sharas.eth ⚑️
it would be a coin to use in healthcare industry (not the Mafia like one that we have right now)
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Castelian pfp
Charity coin for stray dogs/cats
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Wil S pfp
Wil S
I think a meme coin around mental health, strength, and resilience would be positive for the space and perform well. It would be a symbol of strength like a tatoo and something like the token tax could be used for good like mental health initiatives
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Sando 🦈🐝 pfp
Sando 🦈🐝
I really would want to make a coin based on randomness, like the total supply, rewards, fees, halving, etc.πŸ˜€
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judong pfp
Then, my favorite fruit! Banana. Is it possible? 😊 50 $degen
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EvaAvra ⛓️  πŸ”„ 🎩 pfp
EvaAvra ⛓️ πŸ”„ 🎩
Around value of nature maybe a tree meme coin as a symbol of eternity olive tree??
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