Kien πŸ™ pfp

Kien πŸ™


525 Following

Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
tipping every answer I like 50$ degen for an answer to the question: if you'd create a coin - what would it be? Around what character, event, value, ideology or vision? It can be anything, literally anything. Not just a meme!
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
so we have a serial meme launcher creating another project? i like the name of it. i want to be friend with the boss
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
tipping 250 for the best answer explaining me what this group is for. I am new
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
gm! $sky it's a bit hard to think what should I post here πŸ™ƒ
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
In Web3 your pfp matter. then why I removed my RTFKT pfp after almost 2 years? I got 2 random "negative" feedbacks about it in the last 2 days. I'll be myself. This will never change.
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
When I meet someone 2 times and I don't feel seen. Now I can easily spot this and be more mindful about my time. I'm okay if someone wants to be a "me person" for sometime. For me friendship should be elevating for both persons. I am out of the Karpman triangle.
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
Founders that do a copycat are more likely to give up quickly if things don’t go well
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
I love brazilian music How come? It’s just very melodic
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
Generally I'm satisfied with my time spent. But one time when I comprehended that playing dota does not make me feel good after the game. I felt all kind of emotions during the game, but after was exhausted. I left for my first Nomadic journey and decided to not take the mouse:) have not played since then.
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
cold dm is a skill gonna level up it in the next few weeks. so far Warpcast > X Warpcast your reputation matters more X feels more like a luck for someone to check Msg requests and read bunch of spam
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
minted my /farcards looks nice, don't buy! wait for V2 friendtech:)))
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
aped into shitcoin and they are using higher branding, lol elcato πŸ˜‚
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
let's see how many new follows I can get:) Sometimes will post the link to the product when it is appropriate
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
for a founder tipping is your gtm almost like the cold DM πŸ˜€
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
So to tip, I'll explore the channels I like and find small guys to help with. Trending posts usually are alrdy doing good. You like it?
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
flipped some shitcoins, bought $degen back and now I can tip others
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
Memecoins are zero-sum, but it's how it should start. If the community, narrative, vision is strong enough. There will be a demand for something bigger.
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
Farcon fomo kicks in
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
I'm joining /basefrens - @basefrens the first NFT project funded with Degen tips 🎩
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Kien πŸ™ pfp
Kien πŸ™
I am grateful for people that believed in me. Today we received a donation to our startup from the fellow founderπŸ™
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