Kele.eth pfp



70 Following

Kele.eth pfp
I find that the risk of meme should be minimal now. After L0 and ZKS, airdrops have been ruled by witches, and no one is willing to take over VC tokens.
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Kele.eth pfp
Watching Apple WWDC again, I think the best thing Apple has done is admitting their lack of capabilities in large models.
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Kele.eth pfp
How do you obtain the most original voice of the user? I found that if the information is not original, it will be conveyed after being processed.
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Kele.eth pfp
Seven employees were fired today because the business they were responsible for has stagnated. Business without growth is not worth investing in. The truth is so cruel
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Kele.eth pfp
I believe that if you want to start a successful business, you should start by serving 10 people, not 10,000 or 1 million people.
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Kele.eth pfp
Thank you Linda, I am not a power badge user, but I have a lot to say, thank you for speaking out.
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Kele.eth pfp
Thank you Dan, this is an issue that I am very concerned about and have raised it many times. I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible, because there is also a lot of high-quality content for non-PB users waiting to be discovered.
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Kele.eth pfp
Growth solves all problems in your company! The only thing to focus on is growth
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Kele.eth pfp
We assume users want
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Kele.eth pfp
In the AI ​​​​era, the size of intelligent hardware should be very small or very large (human-shaped), with no in-between state.
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Kele.eth pfp
do you know? Concentration is a gift
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Kele.eth pfp
Diligence and concentration are the rarest talents
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Kele.eth pfp
Steve leads many entrepreneurs
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Kele.eth pfp
On a high-quality channel like /founders, you can only see 2 pieces of content every day. Is it because there are only 2 people posting content? Or is it the algorithm blocking of the @dwr.eth team?
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Kele.eth pfp
Why do I make so many suggestions to @dwr.eth and @v but never receive any reply? Are my suggestions not good enough? Has anyone made a suggestion and had it resolved?
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Kele.eth pfp
In the timestamp of the channel, I can't see any comments that are not from PowerBadger. This will bring a big blow to farcaster because it will lose a lot of high-quality content. @v @dwr.eth If possible, I'd like to chat with your pm
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Kele.eth pfp
I really want to know, in channel messages, are messages sorted by timestamp? @v @dwr.eth
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Kele.eth pfp
How to browse all subscribed channels on Farcaster by [email protected]
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Kele.eth pfp
It looks delicious. Is it complicated to make?
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Kele.eth pfp
It should be about solving it, not eliminating it
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