Kele.eth pfp



70 Following

Kele.eth pfp
How do you obtain the most original voice of the user? I found that if the information is not original, it will be conveyed after being processed.
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Kele.eth pfp
Seven employees were fired today because the business they were responsible for has stagnated. Business without growth is not worth investing in. The truth is so cruel
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Kele.eth pfp
I believe that if you want to start a successful business, you should start by serving 10 people, not 10,000 or 1 million people.
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Kele.eth pfp
Growth solves all problems in your company! The only thing to focus on is growth
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Kele.eth pfp
In the AI ​​​​era, the size of intelligent hardware should be very small or very large (human-shaped), with no in-between state.
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Kele.eth pfp
Diligence and concentration are the rarest talents
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Kele.eth pfp
On a high-quality channel like /founders, you can only see 2 pieces of content every day. Is it because there are only 2 people posting content? Or is it the algorithm blocking of the @dwr.eth team?
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Kele.eth pfp
Why do I make so many suggestions to @dwr.eth and @v but never receive any reply? Are my suggestions not good enough? Has anyone made a suggestion and had it resolved?
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Kele.eth pfp
In the timestamp of the channel, I can't see any comments that are not from PowerBadger. This will bring a big blow to farcaster because it will lose a lot of high-quality content. @v @dwr.eth If possible, I'd like to chat with your pm
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Kele.eth pfp
I really want to know, in channel messages, are messages sorted by timestamp? @v @dwr.eth
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Kele.eth pfp
How to browse all subscribed channels on Farcaster by [email protected]
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Kele.eth pfp
Very interesting ranking, I hope it can be updated once a week
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Kele.eth pfp
In China, there is a saying: Lead by example
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Kele.eth pfp
I think it is more suitable for ordinary people to start a business by starting from serving 100 people, rather than wanting to serve the whole world from the beginning.
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Kele.eth pfp
Yes, because this directly leads to user trust, which is important
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Kele.eth pfp
I have always emphasized that starting a business in Farcaster is one of the best choices, and another is TON.
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Kele.eth pfp
The core of social Fi entrepreneurship is to combine social interaction with financial services, leveraging blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi) mechanisms to create an ecosystem that incentivizes user engagement in social activities while providing financial returns and value-added services, ultimately achieving a win-win for user value and platform revenue.
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Kele.eth pfp
Only degen and others /degen
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Kele.eth pfp
Freakn awesome to be /base
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Kele.eth pfp
Mavericks will be the champions
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