Katherine pfp
“One Anthropic worker told me he routinely had trouble falling asleep because he was so worried about A.I.” 🙄 if these nerds are making themselves sick over their jobs why do they keep them huh https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/11/technology/anthropic-ai-claude-chatbot.html
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avi pfp
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Katherine pfp
Ok I don’t agree with this lmao
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avi pfp
lol yeah, that’s fair. but then its hard to agree with “runaway killer robots are inevitable” thingy
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Katherine pfp
I’m more interested in what drives moral decisions wrt career You’d think these Anthropic workers were enslaved. Like they can’t just quit
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avi pfp
idk would you quit if you were in his place? most of the last decade a lot of employees used to criticize fb/twitter etc for data privacy breaches, affecting sentiment etc. but how many of them quit?
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