Nice piece on our emergent rulers What’s not mentioned here is the disturbing attitudes towards women among this group. One controversial prediction is that I believe it is possible I will lose my right to vote in my lifetime — they will repeal the 19th. I do wish Balaji had taken the FDA job. His vision is very compelling.
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
There’s certainly a bunch on the right who’ve advocated for taking away the right to vote for women (while simultaneously wanting their kids to have the right to vote they would control so they get bonus votes). Won’t ever happen but disturbing that it’s being discussed.
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Yes, exactly this. It feels incredibly regressive, and it’s scary to me. And I resent the position I am in where I have to choose between my own rights and starting new institutions
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
I think so many of in the middle (middle left or right) feel this. I don’t think anyone is like “everything is great!” This stood out to me in the article: …it’s a recognition that the old system—the legacy media, academia, and federal bureaucracy—is profoundly broken. “The real debate today isn’t between the left and right,” Tablet editor Alana Newhouse notes. “It’s between those invested in our current institutions, and those who want to build anew.” Reminds me of Nate Silver’s new book where he talks about the River vs the Village. I had missed the FDA stuff — that definitely is so interesting. Regardless of other issues, I also would have loved to have seen an FDA under Balajis. What a difference that would have made during Covid. Oh the multiverse must have really interesting alt timelines.
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