July pfp
I’ve often thought of crypto as money not meant to be used by humans (for the majority of use cases), but rather to be used by much more by and for machines
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Hal pfp
Agree that the machines should use block chain for efficiency of transfer. But I do think humans should be using a new form of value. Maybe you just mean it shouldn't feel complicated? I totally agree there. My point though is we should be denominating value in a scare assets that's value comes from supply and demand.
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sean pfp
not just money though. crypto will enable a new world of AI ownership.
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Dan Kenney 💜 pfp
Dan Kenney 💜
Yeah could imagine self driving cars running flash auctions for gray zone situations like lane changes or passing; could also support on the go recharging or local knowledge transfer
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Sean pfp
Machines and maybe the not so normal tech savvy human that knows when it’s appropriately worth it to use crypto instead of fiat money.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
One of the issues that it can solve is payments between gateways. This is huge as everything is done instantly and not after s month and then companies adjusting pennies to get everything right.
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Daniel Keller pfp
Daniel Keller
Yeah I felt like this was crypto’s telos ever since I read accelerando a decade+ ago
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