Content pfp
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Jacob pfp
warpcast would go from a great app to *holy shit this app is incredible* if it had better discovery, navigation, and user curation of its frames tab
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christin (see u @ farcon) pfp
christin (see u @ farcon)
I use @supercast nowadays for least I can search by specific users and keywords...
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Indeed. As of right now, not all frames end up in that tab right? How are these featured/selected? Many of the frames I find best, are not in that tab...altought they are elsewhere.. as far as i can see...🤔
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Buoy 🛟  pfp
Buoy 🛟
Still a few spots left in our testflight if you wanna try all new search built from the ground up Filters coming in April
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logonaut 🎩🍖👁️🚪 pfp
logonaut 🎩🍖👁️🚪
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