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Jacob pfp
maybe the $degen L3 can offer white-labeled tipping infrastructure for farcaster, so projects that want to enable tipping or transfers within their communities can use the same backend but with their own branding, e.g. 5000 $[project_name] just an idea, i could see this working for points & rewards
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
This is what will happen, eventually, but channel hosts need to learn the hard way that minting a token does /not/ guarantee /value capture/ Many a channel will rise on the promise of their token, only to crash under its own weight. $DEGEN is Farcaster's liquidity layer by choice and necessity.
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Corbin Page 👑🎩 pfp
Corbin Page 👑🎩
💯 I think every top will have simple tipping available.
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Callum Wanderloots ✨ pfp
Callum Wanderloots ✨
To be honest I was planning on doing something like this with a different token in the future but with swaps. Your way sounds way more elegant and taps into the existing market Could be nice to have ratios too as degen increases in value Eg 1 degen = 10 project token
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ap 🔵  🎩 pfp
ap 🔵 🎩
that would actually be really cool, allows other communities to co exist . Maybe have something where if you use the white label have to burn degen etc
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welter.eth pfp
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Ben Broad | bbroad.eth 🎩 pfp
Ben Broad | bbroad.eth 🎩
This is the dream 100 $DEGEN
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