ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
resisted being *that* person but woke up and chose violence: FC is so male coded that a) it can get tired, and b) i still spend significant time on insta + twitter for chick stuff instead of FC yes, the men here are infinitely better than the men on twitter BUT the dynamic will remain a challenge. /chicks channel plz
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Jacob pfp
What about a *fun* proactive funding round to put some $ rewards behind creative solutions? Pay women to create *Farcaster spaces* while simultaneously creating a better *Farcaster culture* to bring more women to a *more engaging Farcaster* ?
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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
introducing $$ typically complicates, not simplifies, things :) reframe the question: what are other non-financial incentives we can explore in order to achieve the same outcome?
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