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jp 🎩
on high school i used to be one of the “intelligent” kids. i was on the group that got good grades. the ones that ended up on a “good” career (engineering, medicine, laws, etc) what makes me more excited about the existence of infinite intelligence (and it being accessible to us at all times) is how much is shatters this social perception and puts it upside down who are the most intelligent kids at school when intelligence is ~free and infinite? forcefully how we value and perceive intelligence coming from humans will evolve it will not be about who is better at math, or at memorizing words, or concepts it will not be the one that spends 24/7 buried inside books, studying as if there was nothing else to rejoice from in the world everything is being redefined at the speed of light. there is a deep transformation happening throughout all of humanity and it starts from how we value what it means to *be* we are not numbers. we are not cogs we are human and we are infinite in our own way gm
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0ffline.xo 👽🪐✨
What a knowledge and intelligence can do when people dont know how to use it? School system is mostly build to fail us or capture us in a system where we are not thought how to get out of that box. Unless you went to a REALLY good school.
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jp 🎩
that’s exactly what im referring to. that whole system is built on top of the notion of difference that comes from being able to label students as “intelligent” or not
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