Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
Has anybody migrated to wagmi v1? The migration guide is super intense, lots of changes
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Colin @ FarCon pfp
Colin @ FarCon
I've been a bit frustrated with all the breaking changes across Wagmi since we started using it. Understandable since it was under active development and not a stable version, but alas, required nontrivial amounts of time to migrate & test. Not looking forward to migrating to v1
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
I'm a little shocked at how much there is for V1. It's tough for us at Privy because we have to both do the migration ourselves but some of our customers won't have migrated. So we probably need to supported compatibility versions for both. I'm getting python2/3 PTSD.
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
Yeah this is going to be super not fun. I'm all for migrating but privy isn't the only sdk we use that uses wagmi either 🙃
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