Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
Has anybody migrated to wagmi v1? The migration guide is super intense, lots of changes
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Colin @ FarCon pfp
Colin @ FarCon
I've been a bit frustrated with all the breaking changes across Wagmi since we started using it. Understandable since it was under active development and not a stable version, but alas, required nontrivial amounts of time to migrate & test. Not looking forward to migrating to v1
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
Oh! I'm late to this looks like I (happily) avoided a v0 → v1 SNAFU. This looks like a super helpful set of hooks - thanks @pushix. Despite the churn between v0 and v1 - is this like a solid, (canonical maybe) lib used in the ecosystem?
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Danny pfp
I started migrating this afternoon. I hit a few snags, but was able to get it built in an hour or so. Most of my changes were around how I was reading contracts with ethers, and the strict types ‘${number}’ , ‘0x{string}’ and the type changes for Provider and Signer. Not done, but not frustrated.
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
@jxom and @awkweb are occasional casters, might have some thoughts
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jxom 🐸 pfp
jxom 🐸
Breaking changes aren’t too bad. Some people have migrated large apps to wagmi v1 in less than a day (e.g. Lenster).
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Matt “Going To Farcon” Lee  pfp
Matt “Going To Farcon” Lee
Is it annoying enough that you regret using it?
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