Content pfp
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
It seems that EIP-3074 could solve many of the problems that come from Warpcast registering FIDs with a new EOA. It could also change/simplify some of the protocol workflows, like signer approval/removal. Has anyone posted any thoughts on this?
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Jon pfp
How are you picturing it helping with FID registration? Something like a "signerFactory" contract who's sole purpose is managing signers for protocols would be a handy thing to delegate to. I could see a very streamlined way to connect through Warpcast or another app.
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Jon pfp
I think I answered my question 😆
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
I was not thinking of registration at all :-) But performing onchain actions using your WC EOA will be possible, especially if WC used warps to sponsor transactions, could be an unlock.
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