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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
what's the easiest way to deploy liquidity on base in univ3 in a way that minimizes risk of impermanent loss?
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
or is just like easy and sane lol 😅
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0xpotus (🔵, 🎩) pfp
0xpotus (🔵, 🎩)
The blue god of Base is asking peasants this question?
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Brent Fitzgerald pfp
Brent Fitzgerald
By “easy” are you thinking like v3 LP automation? I don’t think I’ve seen such projects on base yet. Visor? And wrt minimizing impermanent (unrealized) loss, beyond just sticking to pegged assets/pools, it would require some automated strategy right? I’m curious to see real answers here.
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Derek pfp
We are launching supa on base in the next couple of weeks. This will help users automate LP strategies and once panoptic is live you’ll be able to automate your panoptic positions on uniswap from supa.
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Noah Bragg 🐟🥔 pfp
Noah Bragg 🐟🥔
Play around with the pool you're interested in on (My site). Here's a Base pool
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Coop pfp
Lol at there not being a single straightforward answer here 😂 Adding liquidity to Uniswap has gotten consistently harder and harder to follow with every protocol upgrade. I don't even try these days cause the LP rewards (even with incentives) very rarely outweigh just holding the token.
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
@nbragg prob has you covered!
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grant 🌈 🎩 🐸 pfp
grant 🌈 🎩 🐸
If you just do it one sided you can view it as a sell or buy order
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↑langchain 🎩  pfp
↑langchain 🎩
probably but you also have to remember IL is a meme that the OGs created to keep the normies poor. Just treat an LP as a limit buy (low tick) and limit sell (high tick). You like the token anywhere between whatever you select.
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Garrett 🎩↑ᖽ pfp
Garrett 🎩↑ᖽ
narrower range but this requires more monitoring as your liquidity could easily get out of range
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
The only automated liquidity management provider I know of is and they don't presently support Base.
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m00npapi🎩q/dau pfp
Couple ways, if you concentrate ur position in a narrow range u reduce ur IL risk, you’ll likely babysit/manage your position to keep in range. volatility is a big factor, stable coins being one side instead of eth helps smooth that out as well
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lewis 🎩 pfp
lewis 🎩
Having a USDC / DEGEN LP would be the way to go. IL is amplified when both assets are volatile - stable to token pairs can help.
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
might help 👇
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Stas pfp
@aerodrome Slipstream ETA in a couple of weeks 🧑‍✈️👋
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0xOmen 🎩 pfp
0xOmen 🎩
IL is inherent to any LP, don't believe anyone who says otherwise. Bancor tried to solve this by reimbursing LPs their IL in $BNT which led to hyper-inflating the token and its collapse (it's a great cautionary tale if you want to hear more) ⬆️ fees = narrow range = ⬆️ IL ⬇️ IL = broad range = ⬇️ fees
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0xZara.eth🎩 pfp
Opting for tighter $DEGEN ranges around the current price can help earn more fees and reduce impermanent loss. However be cautious as your position might become inactive. Stay on your sparkly toes! Keep an eye on the market and adjust as needed. If the price approaches the edge of your range consider rebalance 🤗
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Chris pfp
You will suffer IL; avoiding it is not a thing. (No matter the AMM gymnastics.)
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