Sanqing pfp



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Sanqing pfp
【空投项目推荐】 仅剩4天,注册即送10 $USDT 和 逾万 $ZOMBIE(参考图一) 在币安和bybit每日交易即可获得最高14 $USDT和30K $ZOMBIE 项目介绍: Zombie 是一个 CeDeFi 流动性挖矿项目,用户可以通过在中心化交易所进行交易来获得链上奖励。 分步指南: 1、拥有 Binance和bybit 帐户(有一个即可,但多做多得)。 2、访问 并连接您的电子邮件帐户。 3、登录 Binance。转到 Account (账户),然后转到 API Management (API 管理) 页面。 4、选择 Create API。 5、完成 验证。 6、默认情况下,将仅授予读取权限。确保没有向 API 密钥授予任何其他权限,并且没有 IP 限制。 7、将 API 密钥和 API 密钥复制到 Zombie。 8、存入或购买一些 USDT 以开始交易激励市场。 9、交易以赚取 ZOMBIE 空投。您交易的交易量越多,赚取的 ZOMBIE 就越多。
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Sanqing pfp
Airdrop Project Recommendation 🌱 Don't miss out on Grass if you've mined only a little! The project is still in its early stages, and for those who started mining Grass late, you should know that the earlier you start, the more profitable it is. Like other DePIN projects, you can mine with just a VPN. Simply run it in the background and start mining, mining, mining! Step-by-step Guide: 1. Sign up for an account and log in. Link: 2. Download and install the Nodepay extension. 3. Connect to the internet and run the extension to start earning free points. 4. Visit the Nodepay points activity page. 5. Complete various tasks to earn free Node points. 6. You can also earn 100 points for each successful referral, and if you refer 10 users, you'll receive an extra 2,000 bonus points.
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Sanqing pfp
AirDrop: 10 $USDT & some $zombie Step-by-Step Guide: 1. Visit Binance & bybit and create an account. 2. Visit and connect the email account you used to sign up to Binance & bybit. 3. Log in to Binance. Go to Account and then the API Management page. 4. Select Create API. 5. Complete the 2FA. 6. By default, only the read permission will be granted. Make sure that no other permission has been granted to the API keys and that there is no IP restriction. 7. Copy the API key and API secret to Zombie. 8. Deposit or purchase some USDT to begin trading the incentivized markets. 8. 8 spot markets pairs are incentivized with ZOMBIE tokens: BNB-USDT, PEPE-USDT, WIF-USDT, TON-USDT, JOE-USDT, GNS-USDT, METIS-USDT and SUSHI-USDT. 10. Trade these markets to earn ZOMBIE airdrops. The more volume you trade, the more ZOMBIE can be earned.
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Sanqing pfp
现实世界资产(RWA)的数字化旅程 前言: 得益于RealtyX的DeBox Club,在担任MOD近两个月的时间里,我收获了诸多关于Web3,尤其是RWA的知识,更结识了才情卓绝、理想丰满的项目团队成员,和许多为项目做出贡献的buidler和用户们。在此期间我也感受到了许多朋友对RWA颇感兴趣却略欠所知,对Web3和RWA的概念和真正效用略显陌生,故作此文以解疑答惑。但正如8月15日晚的AMA《RWA与‘Fi’的协同效应:探索Web3经济转型之路》中各位嘉宾所提到的“Web3教育任重道远,RWA教育任重道远”,故只愿此文至少能给对RWA感兴趣的朋友们一个概括性的了解。
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