Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What new channels should we add? Priority to replies with the most likes.
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j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker pfp
j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker
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j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker pfp
j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker
alt: Note taking apps 😎
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Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍡🎡 pfp
Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍡🎡
I’m with you on this one! Lol I’m all for a dedicated Notion channel! πŸŒšπŸ™‡πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ (Though I did my compromise during the last round of channel suggestions to make the compromise a β€œProductivity” channel lol)
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