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I’d like to do my best to read books that I feel are still going to be relevant in 100 years, in a 1000 years
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Ismène [ ismɛn ]
Eventhough I don't feel that need (as there is high chances I won't live forever, i'm just happy with books that are relevant to me... At the moment I'm reading them, also pretty sure that none of my favourite books will pass the test of, say, the century), I'm interested in your picking.
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Ismène [ ismɛn ]
When feeling that need do you go with already-classics or do you have, dunno, a feeling about some contemporary books?
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I think it’s less about I want to live forever, but more that just these are the books that feel relevant to me at the moment, it may change over time too, no? Also, by all means - I’m also interested in books that aren’t going to last too, it doesn’t preclude me reading books that don’t fit this category
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