Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
It’s been fun branching out into more niche social networks over the past month. Which other ones have y’all been trying out, besides Farcaster?
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Justin Hunter pfp
Justin Hunter
Haven’t been able to get into Mastodon. When every server I actually just the same or similar interface, it doesn’t make much sense to have many different clients. This is where I already see builders on FC differentiating. Clients all do different things while using the same underlying data.
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of competing Mastodon clients that offer pretty much the same features and I don’t get the point—it just makes it harder to choose one. Also, I didn’t know FC had other clients! Is there a list somewhere that I can check out?
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vincent pfp
Just shipped a Farcaster web client recently: For the list of all the apps built on FC, you can visit
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Justin Hunter pfp
Justin Hunter
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