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Una Lina


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Una Lina
Hong Kong movies are not dead, the craziest Hong Kong movie of the year is here Cheang Pou-soi's new crime movie "Murder" In the series of works that fully demonstrate Cheang Pou-soi's personal style, the animal impulses aroused by the little people at the bottom of society in dark and extreme situations, and the series of mental disorders and abnormalities derived from them, are the themes he has always been concerned about. The very attractive part of this film is that it has been shown at the beginning that fate cannot be changed, and heaven cannot be defeated. There will be disasters, there will be difficulties, and nothing can be avoided. But the whole process of the film is about how the master and the young master change their fate, which is very interesting. Although the background is desperate, it always gives you a little hope.
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Una Lina
My film history | "The Assassin" One person, no one like him Hou Hsiao-hsien's "The Assassin" is adapted from Tang Pei Xing's legend "Nie Yinniang", and won the Best Director Award in the competition unit of the 68th Cannes Film Festival for this film. A friend of mine told me that he fell asleep in the cinema. It is not shameful to fall asleep while watching Hou Hsiao-hsien's movies. He also shared with me the reason why he fell asleep. There are many natural sound effects in the movie. I burst into tears after watching such a boring movie. The crying point is the Qingluan dancing in the mirror. "Nie Yinniang" is ultimately a story of loneliness. The queen talks about the lonely phoenix seeing its own image in the mirror, crying, dancing all night, and dying. A person is in a beautiful building, no one knows, no one understands, and can only go one way to the end, alone, no one like him. Loneliness is not only Yinniang, but also Tian Ji'an, and myself.
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Una Lina
This is the masterpiece of the Polish genius Zulawski. The goddess Adjani won the Cannes and César double actress with this film "Possessed" and "Quartet" in the same year. Adjani played two roles in the film, one is a pure and kind female teacher with green eyes and golden ponytails, and the other is a black-haired, blue-eyed, paranoid and neurotic heroine. It is worth mentioning that even the heroine has a self-split mentality. The plot is that the housewife played by Adjani wants to divorce her husband who is an agent. The husband can only send a detective to investigate, but he finds that his wife's affair is actually a Cthulhu demon with tentacles and mucus all over his body.
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Una Lina
The ghost story of the bed sheet spirit, a stream-of-consciousness movie about death and reincarnation When we watch movies in the past, if we lose our loved ones, we always pay more attention to the surviving one of the couple, to see how he lets go and moves forward, but this "Ghosts" is very different, it focuses on the dead person. It uses the "perspective of the dead soul" to shoot a very different mourning film. And the object of mourning is not the dead person, but the "lost love". The ghost covered with bed sheets can be everyone in the world, who desperately grasps the sand in his hand in the hourglass of time. If the body is rotten, there is still a soul, and the obsession with the world cannot be eliminated, and can only wander for a long time waiting for someone, how desperate it will be. I hope that the blade of time can heal the sadness in a long and painful way with the ebb and flow of the sea.
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Una Lina
Paris in the turbulent years, a beautiful and psychedelic youth epic Compared to eroticism, I would like to call "The Dreamers" a youth epic about movies, which reproduces 1968 so realistically and cruelly. The most important year in the history of French film, not only did a group of young people make a big event that year, but more importantly, this big event was caused by movies. The big demonstrations led and launched by a group of film directors are always something to be proud of in the film industry, because here movies are no longer just a tool for entertainment and leisure, they have a deeper meaning. Youth is not only about unbridled behavior and rampant sexual desire, but also about hopeless faith and unswerving anger.
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Una Lina
A gorgeous dark fairy tale, Anne Hathaway turns into a witch to bully children "The Witches" is a fairy tale movie with gorgeous style, a little dark and a little cult. Adults and children may have completely different interpretations after watching it. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but no one is sad. When the grandmother asked: Are you ready to execute the plan? "Old man." Our old boy answered with full of energy and laughter: Grandma, I am always ready. No matter how unfair fate is, no matter how much suffering he has experienced, the crying little boy has learned from the wisdom of his grandmother to embrace every day of his remaining life with all his strength. As a fantasy film for children, it hides the suffering under the kindness and innocence of children, focuses on the depiction of the magic world of the evil witch, and ends the big plot with the victory over the witch.
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Una Lina
"Perfume"|Using dirt to depict purity, using horror to narrate romance This is a controversial movie since its release. A crazy and pious genius jokes about heaven in hell, using dirt to depict purity, and using horror to narrate romance. It seems that there is a trace of hatred for the killer during the movie, and you are worldly and impure. Grenouille was born in the dirtiest fish market in Paris and was sent to an orphanage when he was a baby. He has a talent for smell that ordinary people cannot match. He can distinguish and remember all kinds of smells, whether they are smelly or fragrant. Smell has become his special way of learning language. Someone once told me that what he was desperately looking for was actually the smell of love. Does love also have fragrance? When people were reveling in the square to reach the peak of love and desire, he found that he had never been able to love. The fragrance disappeared. It was as if he had never existed.
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Una Lina
Beautiful and explosive abuse, the end of love is loss Depending on the theme of women's growth, the art film "Tokyo Fall" is very depressing. It may not be accurate to define the theme of this movie simply as women's growth, but perhaps the theme is included in this line of dialogue in the movie. "Are you rich?" "It's not me who is rich, it's Japan that is rich, but there is no proud wealth. She creates anxiety and turns people into masochists"
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Una Lina
《A visit from the dead to the livin》 A magical pioneer movie from the 1980s, still very fashionable This is director Huang Jianzhong's favorite work. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, spirits are not allowed to be created. Most of the "ghosts" in mainland movies have become fantasies or nightmares in the minds of mentally ill patients. However, in the wild 1980s, this movie tells the story of "ghosts visiting the living five times".
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Una Lina
Once upon a time there was a country called Yugoslavia The strange imaginations in director Kusturica's mind are so fascinating. I watched "Underground" in the 320-minute director's cut. There were four or five times during the film that I thought the movie would end perfectly here, but he could actually keep going. When revolution is a carnival and history is a scam, poetry rises in the absurdity. The paradise is broken apart, carrying everyone away. The film ends with the noisy jazz brass music that runs through the whole film. Someone outside the screen said, "Once upon a time, there was a country called Yugoslavia."
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Una Lina
If there is a movie that represents summer, I would choose "Call Me by Your Name". The story is not complicated, it is just a brief encounter and love between two teenagers in a quiet Italian town in the summer of 1983. The boy with a good figure lies lazily on a folding chair, under the scorching sun, with bare shoulders and back, shorts, long legs, strong hormones, lust... The water in the swimming pool is sparkling. The chirping of insects rises and falls with the sound of the wind, continuous, as if the summer afternoon time is endless. I think in love, when one person calls another person by his own name, it means completely giving himself up. This may be the best annotation of love.
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Una Lina
"Silver Planet" is a utopian fantasy about religion and nothingness Is this a postmodernist science fiction epic or a carefully arranged mythological fable? Is the psychedelic and depressing images and obscure lines the director's poetic inspiration or a casual doodle? There is no doubt that "Silver Planet" is a refresh of the film view and a subversion of people's existing viewing habits. Irregular shaking handheld photography, weird and exaggerated shooting angles, the use of a large number of wide-angle lenses, the camera's rhythmic tracking and movement, each character tries his best to present a hysterical state of madness... The whole movie is more like an aria of the end of the world, a confrontation between utopia and dystopia, and a fight between faith and philosophy! From people's desire for servility to religious beliefs, a hysterical delusion is derived. Nothing is more ironic than destroying the gods they created.
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Una Lina
"A Sun"|Life is a life with shadows and darkness This is a work that hits the heart directly without pretense. It uses the warmest name to shoot the coldest life, but the ultimate purpose is healing. If there are friends who want to watch a healing movie, you can recommend this movie to him. Everyone and animal can find a corner with shadows, but Ah Hao doesn't. He has no water tank, no dark place, he only has "sunlight", which must be 24 hours without interruption, bright and warm, and the sun shines on everyone. The English name of the movie is "A Sun", which is the same as A Son. Father Ah Wen only admits that he has one son, and his words come true. In the education we receive, darkness is not allowed to exist. Perhaps this movie is to remind us that everyone who is dazzled by the sun needs to hide in the shadows. A person who can only bathe in the sun has no way to put away the darkness that is born with being human.
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Una Lina
花 | A love that started with rape can be so passionate Lou Ye is probably the best director in China at photographing women's emotions and body texture. He does not have the narcissistic aesthetics of the petty bourgeoisie and literary youth in the usual sense, and confuses people with a sense of form and atmosphere. Instead, he uses a female perspective to delicately explore the love and pain of contemporary Chinese people in chaos. "Flowers" did not disappoint, with beautiful handheld photography and charming trance tones. This movie may not be seen by many people like his theatrical films, but it is an important mark in his works that is difficult to erase.
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