Has anyone successfully switched their mouse usage to the non-dominant arm? I've been experimenting with it for the past couple days, and it has been pretty OK - still need my dominant arm when coding, but for general browsing it's pretty reliable. Reason in doing this: my dominant arm is in pain from mouse usage.
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Have you tried a trackball mouse? Much easier on the wrist
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Ben O’Rourke
I tried the trackball mouse - still had over use pains
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Can you share your experience. Considering jumping on the trackball train...
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Ben O’Rourke
I found it to be worse than clocking… with the trackball (I think) you are making more thumb and finger micromovements whuch lead to over use/carpal tunnel symptoms… instead of moving a mouse with your arm, you’re moving a trackball with your thumb, and you tend to hold the wrist in a stationary locked position
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Yeah thumb trackballs are not good I recommend ones you control with index finger
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Thank you!
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