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horsefacts pfp
FC idealists and realists sometimes talk past each other. Both see a growing network with 50k DAU. Idealists round up to the best possible future. Why isn’t it more like that today? Realists round down to the most probable future: zero, default dead. What can we do today to escape it? We need both.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Realist idealists understand that even if it drops to zero, it was all worth it. Better to do something interesting and fail than to do nothing interesting at all. It's more fun and the world gets more training data.
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Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀 pfp
Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀
i look up to those who dream like idealists but grinds like realists, so i aspire to be like that. those who dream like pessimists are honestly toxic to work with.
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Blazer 🇨🇦 🎩 🤫 pfp
Blazer 🇨🇦 🎩 🤫
Yin and yang.... balance is required in everything. While we need both, it's important not to go too far to one side or the other. Finding the center is the key to success and clarity.
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Catch pfp
We need superbowl ads 😤
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kenanie.eth pfp
That’s actually true I guess we need idealists and realists in 1 person Cos then we’d do everything to work towards the best possible future while also doing everything to avoid the most probable future
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🤚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🤚
Make it fun, make it easy to have fun. make it a place where you laugh more than you sigh. Make it a place that's easy to find people, and just one step further to find THEIR people. Make it easier to be real and feel rewarded than to be fake and feel rewards.
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MOΞ pfp
I struggle with this sometimes and don’t know where I should be on the pragmatism/idealism scale.
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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
300 $DEGEN
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