Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp

Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚


780 Following

Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
just a quick PSA for all Boregon Trail folks. We got confirmation from a security team that it was a false positive causing the big scary warnings when attempting to play the game. they should be removed within 24 hours. Of course, wait until they're removed if you're worried. no rush!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Someone make /changelog I'm out of warps and want to use it for daily updates from people. plz. I want this. *makes an internet wish*
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Tomorrow at 11am EST! Its going downnn superchain spotlight! catch up with everything that's going on on @optimism and catch our special guest @bored !
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
I made a thing to index all the channels on FC (probably will be useless in 2-3 months) and guess what! there's over 10k different channels! how fun. Why?! Cause I'm building an on-boarding frame that has a channel discovery service to help people find channels they may like! duh.
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
there's a cool thing in this screenshot ... besides a dead person.
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Hey folks! πŸŽ‰ I just snagged my $FOMO airdrop (/omof) in celebration of hitting that massive 30,000-follower milestone at @tocd on Warpcast! πŸš€ Just hit that "Claim $FOMO Airdrop" buttonβ€”seriously, it's that easy! dunno what this is. I'm a degen. not an endorsement.
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Today has been super fun. Excited to keep going!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
About to eat and get some work in on the second months /mega-big-town project! excited to bring this one forward!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
First episode of a new show! first guest is @jessepollak from base. worth a viewing for sure! mint while they last!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
You have value by default. You don't have to burn yourself out in hopes of mattering. You matter already. Everything else is just a bonus we're all grateful for even if we're not vocal about it. Leave it better than you found things and we all win.
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Heading to Boregon today? Here's a Tip: only about 1/3rd of players stopped before dying yesterday meaning -- only 1/3rd of people were in the running possibly win that daily prize! Stopping plants your flag in hopes to be the closest to Boregon!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
gm. waking up to nonsense like this really grinds my gears. I think it's because I want this place to be different. be real. vs having people get paid to promote scams or worse. muting/leaving but seeing people you follow also already follow them stinks.
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
newww songggg
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
FYI: When playing Boregon Trail if you revive -- you get 1/4th of your health back guaranteed, but there is a random chance to get a full health restore. If you haven't taken to the trail yet you can play a round:
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
I'm live on the dark place with @bored and @brianmorris.eth and @quez.eth
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
A game I made for $BORED (Based token) with @bored x @brianmorris.eth x me. Try to make it to Boregon or Die trying... Huge prize pool!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Who is going to Boregon Today!? Oxen Charged? supplies packed? It's almost time to depart on your Journey!!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
ew. just woke up to spammy automated DMS I didn't sign up for and from people I don't follow. you could tell because they used my whole username so it seemed really unnatural. asking to try their services. or to be "influencors" for their service... could easily be something shady. hope this isn't a trend.
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
gm gm. new week. new chance to chase your passions. hope you had a great weekend. lets go!
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Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚 pfp
Brock The Breadcat 🎩🀚
Happy Mother's day to all the moms and the people who are special in kids/people's lives.
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