Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Rabbithole's new "ETH Earned" concept is brilliant in its simplicity to combine reputation with compensation into a single onchain field - simple (1 metric) - interoperable (onchain, L1) - inclusive (earnings == universal value signal) - meaningful (emphasizes *abilities* from earnings > earnings themselves)
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
A dubious time to launch this where many projects/contributions are unpaid, but it also puts positive pressure on the ecosystem towards sustainability: - Operators: pay your contributors - Contributors: deliver sustainable value https://rabbithole.mirror.xyz/27i037kvM0IzPYf69a3tJGbYoy9EQppopIYejKgzIY8?t=1
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
another way to say "ETH Earned is meaningful" in this context is that it's participant-centric: "the more tokens that participant owns, the more of that value they get from their beneficial participation in the protocol" from https://thedefiant.io/lets-revamp-tokenomics-to-make-defi-more-useful-and-valuable by @sall
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