erica pfp



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erica pfp
i got tickets to see chappel roan next weekend and every time i remember i'm going to see her and i visualize how i'm going to feel and what it'll be like in the crowd i legit start to tear up like i just texted @joellelb about a custom sequin bikini top i want to make for it and now the tears are flowing and the smile is cheesin can't remember the last time i resonated with a pop culture figure so strongly what a wonderful feeling!!
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erica pfp
˖ ࣪⭑ day 4 of /lounge ⭑ ࣪˖ i don't have the craziest design WIP as i'm mostly designing while building these days - a lot of my designing happens in my head as UX or interaction design right now, my head mainly exists within the realm of "how the presentation of content and its associated engagement can alter not only how we consume it but how we create it" so i've been exploring very small ways of changing how we're used to consuming content here while i've been building /unofficial to see how it feels tonight i was messing around with presenting engagement metrics in a different order - one that optimizes for conversation-adds instead of what are seen as more "vanity" metrics i'd be very curious to hear everyone else's thoughts on this, shoutout to @1a35e1 for recommending the second self by sherry turkle, really got my brain churning even more than it already was
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erica pfp
story time for day 1 - how did you get into design? :) + day 3's tips and tricks for creative ruts
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erica pfp
my 30th bday is coming up and last year my bday gift to myself was a solo trip to costa rica for those who know, this plan got wrecked a few days after i landed in costa rica lmao so we're gonna go all out for 30 and redeem ourselves!! what is the freaking coolest place you've been to (that is safe for a solo female traveler) and why did you like it? (open to most travel vibes - just not a huge luxury person or anything like vegas)
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erica pfp
friendly reminder to actually quit vs code once in a while instead of leaving it open for a week+ straight
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erica pfp
chipotle is insanely mid
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erica pfp
happy hump day fellow adhders
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erica pfp
yes but not a simple yes! i start to name layers at two points in the design process: > i’ve gotten personally disgusted at how messy and chaotic the file has gotten and suddenly decide not a second longer shall be spent trying to find out what everything is > i have to hand over the file to a client or team member (also - naming groups >> naming layers)
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erica pfp
I’ve thought several times about why there are review platforms for service providers but never for customers esp for home service providers this would be so valuable uber/doordash are really the only ones I know of that implement bidirectional reviews never could come up with a solid answer for why this isn’t more commonplace, seems like it’d hold folks a lot more accountable and reign in the increase in mistreatment of service providers we’ve seen
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erica pfp
every crypto/web3 group chat i’ve ever been in has at least at one point discussed starting a DAO or launching a token, no matter how big or small the group …it has never happened
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erica pfp
tfw when you finally get an invoice paid that’s 6 months overdue by an insanely misogynistic client who was a pain in your ass the entire time constantly pushing scope and “forgetting” they agreed to things and now you can finally rip them a new asshole 🥰
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erica pfp
gm happy monday
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erica pfp
whatsup homies!! excited to spend the coming weeks chatting all things design here on /lounge let’s get started ˖⁺‧₊˚✦ 1. how did I discover farcaster? back in sep last year, I was on X trying to build up an audience for my freelance work and it was turning out to be a bad fit right before i was about to give up on X, @antimofm.eth and I crossed paths, he asked if I wanted to cohost the /design channel with him, and now I’m a farcaster maxi :) 🧵 for q’s 2-4
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erica pfp
being an adult is realizing you can meal prep chicken nuggies
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erica pfp
the /unofficial client has animated pfps AND interactive soundcloud embeds 💅 👩‍💻
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erica pfp
@heavygweit never knew the weekend x nelly was the remix we needed
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erica pfp
i have been testing embeds out for the /unofficial mobile app and have the cast feed coming just from my profile so @christopher has been the blessed recipient of all of my bangers recently
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erica pfp
unbothered. recently bathed. happy. in my lane. sun-soaked. purring
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erica pfp
glassblowing is a vastly underappreciated art Dan Hoffman, 2022 interior of “cannabinoid skull”
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erica pfp
i'm loving the new parody and shit posting accounts emerging but throwing around food disorder accusations is not it :)
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