How do DAOs know the exact start/end time of on-chain proposals when it goes by block number vs timestamp? Is it just an estimate like (# of blocks * 12s block time) or am I missing something?
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markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
I think under PoS the block times are constant, no?
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I thought there could be slight variations with a 12s target. Found this chart - more consistent than I expected In the span of a few day voting period this tiny variation doesn't really matter. I wonder how accurate the estimates were pre-merge though haha
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Actually it isn't insignificant! Take a week-long voting period: 12.00 second blocks * 50400 blocks = 7 days 12.06 second blocks * 50400 blocks = 7.035 days That's a ~50 minute difference!
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@tim would love to hear your thoughts on the best way to estimate the time of a future block
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