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my ~/Downloads folder has become the "I have no digital organizational skills" catch-all folder and it's a cry for help I distinctly remember in middle school / high school / early college being obsessive about file structure and organization. What the hell happened??
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maybe search features? I remember reading somewhere how younger generations only use the search feature and do not rely on where, organizationally, a file or app "lives". Meanwhile older generations are stubborn and instead of spending 3 seconds searching, they'll spend 10 seconds or more going: START--> programs -> winamp --> winamp (guilty as charged) back in the day if you wanted to play Stairway to Heaven you'd have to navigate to your Music Dir --> scroll down to Led Zeppelin --> scroll to Stairway to Heaven, and if you didnt have it there... ruh roh. Now you just hit windows key, type stai and it pops up.
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i definitely rely on spotlight now! and browser history. everything is a searchbar. I'm hopelessly lost when search isn't working
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