nixo pfp



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nixo pfp
smooth peanut butter is for smooth brains so there
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nixo pfp
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nixo pfp
What do you guys use for ongoing accounting of your onchain business accounts? I'd like to be able to tag all our transactions for our accountant and we've been using Notion up til now but would love something that's actually native instead of having to copy hashes into a database
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nixo pfp
Knowing how to set up, use, and maintain a node is a marketable skill and you can still be in the first 0.1% of the world who knows how to do it (running a node doesn't require any ETH) (but it's a gateway drug to running a validator)
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nixo pfp
Today's botornot evaluation of me: ethstaking, vpns, digital nom nomnom nomnomnom 😋
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nixo pfp
i guess my new neighborhood is solidly a river plate neighborhood, cuz there is *despair* ringing out all around me
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nixo pfp
Signal: Can I have access to your photo folder? ProtonVPN: Can we send you notifications? Arc: Can I have access to your location? Me: y'all - anything you ask for, you get. I love you Whatsapp: Can I refresh in the background? Me: hell the fuck no
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nixo pfp
More and more sites are waging a war against VPN usage - I recently had my bank account portal locked because they detected a VPN - I can no longer access imgur or creditkarma with a VPN turned on - Many people are reporting issues with Reddit on a VPN (not me, yet) privacy is normal
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nixo pfp
the chat app Signal makes you set a PIN for account recovery and, every once in a while, it shows a popup that basically says "we're testing to make sure you remember your PIN i wonder if people would stop losing their seeds if every once in a while, the wallet had a popup that said "what's your 15th word?"
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nixo pfp
*laughs in san diegan*
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nixo pfp
in case you're interested in alternative youtube frontends and video streaming platforms that don't track you and sell your data
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nixo pfp
been a long time since i went diving but i moved in the middle of completing my divemaster and never picked it back up again. my hologram sticker is still in a filing cabinet waiting for me to deserve to claim it. 🥲 maybe when i live near a clean ocean again...
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nixo pfp
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nixo pfp
i think my label on @sayangel 's bot or not action is adorable i'm an ETH staki
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nixo pfp
I'm a digital nomad, so I run my setup at a friend's house in exchange for contributing to the internet bill and a free UPS to keep their internet up in power outages! I didn't want it to be too intrusive so it's disguised in a bookshelf. And if I ever need to, I can hard reboot it from afar with the smart power strip
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nixo pfp
does anybody know the dangers of wearing monthly contacts too long? asking for .......a friend.... who is being unnecessarily frugal and on month #3 of her first-ever pair of monthly contacts and it seems just fine?
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nixo pfp
1 min clip on one of the issues of a "majority of ETH supply staked" scenario
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nixo pfp
is it FIFO? are my old likes going to start disappearing soon? or will it just stop recording my new likes?
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nixo pfp
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nixo pfp
FYI solo stakers - maxEB spec is being decided rn and they're looking for people to speak up on custom ceilings A custom ceiling allows you to set whatever # you want to compound up to for your validator (e.g. 37) imo not including this would remove a lot of the benefits for solo stakers. Please voice your thoughts!
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