Gonzalo Nuñez pfp
Gonzalo Nuñez
There is no way that Apple wins this war in the long-run. https://www.macrumors.com/2022/10/24/apple-updates-app-store-review-guidelines-2/ https://i.imgur.com/Mn8WAsb.jpg
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Gonzalo Nuñez pfp
Gonzalo Nuñez
I hope we get a Stratechery piece on this
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
The critical juncture here is the policy decisions being made are reflective of the mindset of those who have yet to grasp the nuance of crypto – they see it as no different than Epic V-Bucks/MS Points. This will be one of those moments that in a decade's time will be seen the same as Sears' failure to embrace the we
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