Glo Dollar pfp
Glo Dollar
📣 It's (almost) here: Glo Dollar backed credit cards. We're making Glo Dollar accessible for mainstream real-life usage. Embedding philanthropy into everyday spending 🌈 ☀️ In this thread 🧵: - How to get one 💳 - How these cards fund public goods, automatically
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Glo Dollar pfp
Glo Dollar
Sprinkle philanthropy into everyday purchases: ✅ Grabbing a coffee ✅ Paying for hotels ✅ Uber/taxi rides ✅ Dining out ✅ Flights Or really anything else you'd use a credit card for. Without donating a penny. By using Glo Dollar backed credit cards.
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Glo Dollar pfp
Glo Dollar
If you're convinced already, join the waitlist:
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