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geeknees pfp
Engraving memories of the deceased on the blockchain is still not quaint enough. The deceased who pass away around the time of cherry blossoms may be happy. because memories are engraved in this season that comes every year.
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geeknees pfp
This year, we are also distributing good luck charms. No charge and no gas is needed. Please get one if you like. I wish you all a happy and prosperous year.
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geeknees pfp
The annual New Year's greeting card project that I have been working on with my community to promote web3 in light of the current industry has been made gas-less. The gas costs are covered by community donations, which is kind of DAO-esque, isn't it?
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geeknees pfp
I went to web3's secret base centrum in Shibuya!
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geeknees pfp
The word "macDAOonald" came to mind. Bringing Supersize Back to Life.
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geeknees pfp
The third mint of my favorite local DAO projects in Japan has begun. I also Minted.
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geeknees pfp
For the development of web3, we could go back to Karl Polanyi's statement that labor, land, and money should not be bought and sold. Instead of trading tokens, tokens should be used to maximize wealth itself.
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geeknees pfp
DAO's operation is like a bind-play, such as banning certain weapons in the game. You can enjoy it longer. In other words, it is up to the players whether they can enjoy the game or not.
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geeknees pfp
Metaverse at Bright Moments
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geeknees pfp
It was a great event with 1500 hackers from 59 countries and we even got a Top 10 award from Lens Protocol 🎉 #ETHGlobalTokyo
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geeknees pfp
Every season in Japan has its own unique charm, but this time of year is one of the best. The cherry blossoms are blooming, the weather is warming up, and people are out partying. Here are some suggestions for activities.
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geeknees pfp
Finally, eth global tokyo is next week and rubykaigi is next month. I'm looking forward to it, even though I'm a little bit nervous about the real events. If you can meet me, please come to the venue!
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geeknees pfp
Who is the winner.
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geeknees pfp
Test if chatGPT can handle a mean quiz in English.
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geeknees pfp
buildspace has expanded its ML/AI courses, not to add more web3 content, but to attract attractive talent, a change that surprised me:
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geeknees pfp
just setting up my frcstr
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