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Dan Simmons 🟪🟡 pfp
Dan Simmons 🟪🟡
I generally don't mind ads and recognize them as a necessary evil (for now! 👀) for many creators, but the kind that really grinds my gears is "an interview with the founder of"-style. Feels so slimy and disingenuous, scripted softball questions being passed off as genuine content 👎👎 PSA: please don't!
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gcmac pfp
Huh interesting. I have a totally different view on this. Perhaps because I’m most familiar with this format from the Acquired podcast which I think extremely highly of. Some things that I like are: it’s a company usually relevant to my interest and the interview is split up between all the episodes in a season
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Dan Simmons 🟪🟡 pfp
Dan Simmons 🟪🟡
Just want to be clear/explicit here! I'm specifically referring to sponsored interview segments (ads), typically 1-5 minutes long in the *middle* of an episode about a *different* subject/topic! I very much enjoy an interview format, but only when it's organic (and the subject of the episode rather than an ad!)
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