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Read the full interview with Emi here:
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The dense and complex compositions represent the endless cycle of earthly desires, visually conveying the challenges they pose to achieving spiritual harmony. Immersing viewers in intricate details helps them experience the multifaceted meanings of bonnō.
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Emi’s personal relationship with Buddhism deeply influences her creative process. Using AI to explore human desires in a new form, this series celebrates the beauty and complexity of human desires, offering a glimpse into contemporary spiritual exploration.
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By arranging material items in an altar-like fashion, the series explores the conflict between material desires and spiritual harmony. This symbolism highlights the complex relationship where these desires and harmony coexist and influence each other.
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Specific elements like fast food packaging, smartphones, and brand logos symbolize 'material defilements.' These everyday objects illustrate how deeply rooted earthly desires are in contemporary life, complicating the pursuit of spiritual harmony.
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This series reflects the amalgamation of Japanese culture, Western influence, and Buddhist traditions. Inspired by Andy Warhol’s pop art, it portrays contemporary consumer culture and human desires amidst the chaotic streets of Tokyo.
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Emi's series 'The Altar of Bonnō' draws inspiration from Japanese otaku culture, blending nostalgia with contemporary desires. Discover how this unique fusion creates a world where the past and present intersect.
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Gallery Selects 007: Emi Kusano Meet @emikusano, a digital artist whose new collection with @verse x Tender, ‘The Altar of Bonnō' explores the fusion of Japanese culture, Western influence, and Buddhist traditions. Dive into our discussion with Emi ↓
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Week 4 (the last one). /gallery x /art - celebrating the artists of Farcaster 💜 10 artworks, each artwork is available to mint with warps in the frame
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Looking forward, she aspires to deepen the discourse on internet culture within contemporary art, encouraging a more profound and sustained examination of digital art. Read the full text on Mirror.
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Regarding the Web3 space, Maya’s engagement has brought her both excitement and introspection. She appreciates the new opportunities for digital art circulation that on-chain art provides, allowing for greater collector participation and the interplay between digital and physical realms.
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‘FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT,’ one of her signature projects, critiques and participates in the culture it examines, highlighting the irony of online self-help trends. It reflects on identity and femininity in the digital age, aiming to spark dialogue on the influence of the internet on our lives and self-perception.
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Her project ‘Glance Back’ emerged as a pivotal achievement, marking a shift from seeking validation through complexity towards creating work that resonated with her intrinsic fascinations—identity, femininity, and online authenticity.
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From a young age, Maya was captivated by the creative potential of computers. She crafted music videos and explored digital filters, drawn to the participatory culture of early online platforms. This convergence of art, internet, and tech led her to study Computer Science and Media Studies.
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Gallery Selects Spotlight 006: Maya Man Meet Maya Man, a digital artist whose work profoundly reflects internet culture. Her art navigates the complex relationship between technology, code, post-identity, and femininity. Read on for our discussion with Maya!
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Stay updated with her latest works and developments on Farcaster, X, and Gallery.
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Kaeli is set to release new works on @superrare, including a piece paired with original music. She’s also preparing for a solo exhibition and has been featured as one of ‘100 Artists to Watch’ in an upcoming @thehugxyz publication.
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Kaeli uses digital drafts to serve as blueprints for physical paintings. This approach offers collectors a chance to own the initial digital concepts of the artworks, showcasing her unique process of using AI and manual techniques for canvas-ready pieces.
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‘Beyond Verdure: Fragments of Contemporary Expressions’ is a distinctive series in her corpus. The collection, launched on @foundation using the @base Blockchain, moves past the artist’s signature botanical themes to explore contemporary forms.
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Kaeli VanFossen’s creation defies easy categorization, bringing together contemporary expressionism with touches of abstraction and cubism. Her work, evolving from serenity to conveying deeper meanings, is marked by distinctive vertical segmentation.
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