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The new lower fork prop (candidate )must be from a concerned citizen, valid arguments but why hide? At best you can use ownership and participation to help convince the need. At worst, you're left to roll with the 30%
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
0 fork threshold is dumb idea bc it’s an immediate arb opportunity
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Spencer Perkins
* 0 threshold => rage quit * Auction price will jump to book value * Treasury will be drained N %, where N is % Nouners leaving From DAO perspective, better off to spend the treasury and bring book value down to auction prices first Do understand the sentiment behind the candidate tho. Minority holders shouldn’t be forced into DUNA if they don’t want. Tricky, tricky
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Spend the treasury to bring auction prices down is what the burn aimed to do. It never got full buy in though, it’s a cool idea but in my opinion it’s not the best way to run an org to be forced to spend money. It’s better to save and then spend when the best ideas come around and you have the best opportunity to deploy capital. If we were forced into a situation where RQ was turned out to let non duna fans out, sure, I’d rather spend some money on props than let folks get away with the easiest arb ever. But since turning on this RQ is a choice, it’s not a choice I’m a fan of based on what I know now.
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Spencer Perkins
I think your main argument is against the fork in general tho. If 30% want to leave, same thing happened with a threshold of 0% or 30%.
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It’s not easiest arb ever fwiw.that would be fork 0-2 this one is much more fluid. With much smaller numbers. And most everyone underwater.
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