Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp

Michael Gingras (lilfrog)


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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
I think we see < 1 eth auction price by eoy
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Re: proliferation by slapping nogs on something and calling it a strategy for attracting new nouners
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Is there any way we can open up swapping so it's not put to a vote each time? It's costing attention and eth in the form of vote refunds to have to pass these proposals. I don't think it's very good use of time or money
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Does some combination of block # + owner work? Each of these on their own do not work. Block number -> I can swap for each noun in the pool and mint and NDT ahead of a proposal. As long as nobody backruns me I have overextended my voting power. Owner -> I can swap, vote, swap, vote, swap, vote for each noun in the pool. Block number + owner -> I can't swap, vote, swap, vote because the block number check enforces that I must do this ahead of the proposal and I can't mint x NDTs ahead of time because owner check. Keep track of both of these on the NDT (no need to track transfers, just keep state on the NDT for who held the noun at the time the NDT was minted. No need for token wrapper. Downside is this does not preserve stale NDTs, and does not allow someone to receive an NDT and instantly start voting (which could be confusing) Positives are legibility of voting power, easier subdelegation, coolness factor Where am I going wrong here?
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
How do we hide our eth from the fork that’s starting
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Thinking about this tweet in the age of AI. So many thoughtbois claiming that AIs will be able to code and software as a job will be crushed. Maybe it will. But building truly great software is hard and not something you can just throw money (or AIs) at https://x.com/trafnar/status/1570881763626602499?s=20&t=x73qkavJ9bXnCSRm-rprMQ
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
power badge is important otherwise your feed will be bots word for word copying your casts in order to farm /rounds
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
https://rounds.wtf/nouns/frog-loves-nouns-1 If you haven't claimed your $nouns from my round please go ahead and do so! It's not much, but this was a fun experiment, looking forward to opening up more rounds (probably with more specific asks next time)
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x384b543e553c6B37C0626D7Ac2e2e07e381F6D14 let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Curious how prop 537 nouns token will shake up $nouns. It supporting proportional voting which is a great feature. Seems like everyone forgot we funded this in the excitement around $nouns
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
some sobering stats: total treasury: 5329 ETH 30 day spend: 536 ETH 30 day auction revenue: 172 ETH loss: 364 ETH months until treasury hits 0 at current spend: 14.6 think about this when voting on large proposals
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Real builders commit, and I just committed 416.62K $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
@dwr.eth is it possible to onboard to warpcast if you are geo-blocked? I have a friend who can't download the app and also can't signup on the website bc it pushes you to the app
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
The latest round is in $nouns! Lets go! Thanks to @seneca or whoever set this up to reward in nouns. Super pumped for this
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
I still need to digest the governor changes but would it be possible to keep a snapshot/checkpoint of the voting power but then also have NDTs to allow for all of the positives they provide? This way you couldn't rotate through the pool because you'd have reached your voting power cp
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
the burn was a blessing in disguise because it swept out an enormous amount of holders who didn't even really care about nouns and gave us an abundance of treasury nouns to do cool things with (reward builders, use them in props that require nouns etc)
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
made a lil round for the /nouns channel to reward 1000 $nouns tokens https://rounds.wtf/nouns/frog-loves-nouns-1 having fun lets go
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
similar to how eth units have szabo and finney it would be fun if $nouns had named units like 10K $nouns is called a toady, 100K $nouns is a seneca etc
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
pretty cool that $nouns seems to have increased auction price AND swept the floor on blur + opensea. Floor is up from 6 -> 7.7 which is close to the going rate you'd get in the pool. The arb is almost gone. Token is getting healthier.
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog) pfp
Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
obviously early but its interesting to see nouns trading at such a premium (you can buy a noun at auction for much less than 15E)
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