Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
This makes me pretty upset to know that the "last tip" I've given every day is invalid because I always made sure to go to 0! I would imagine most people are not reserving 1 so think about how many tips are invalid EVERY DAY unintentionally and how much degen is actually not given out as points that should have been. This is a very bad vibe. It turned me and so many others into liars!
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Vanessa Williams pfp
Vanessa Williams
This is the absolute first I am hearing of this and it’s ludicrous if true. Are they deliberately trying to make everyone over-tip and give out invalid tips? There is literally nowhere it says this. If Dune says it’s true then the devs have just done a lousy job of communicating the rules. Everything web3 is like amateur hour.
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