Preator pfp



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Preator pfp
Oh so the key was this and not shitting on warpcast + praising supercast on my first day here
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Preator pfp
I am not informed on that topic but came across multiple similar reports as well
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Preator pfp
Thank you for preaching privacy king.
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Preator pfp
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Preator pfp
bread is better with chocolate though
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Preator pfp
That if I join farcaster Ted will inboard me and help me with stuff. I would have joined in 2023 if I knew this ffs
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Preator pfp
That I have to seek discomfort. If there is something I don't feel like doing it, I have to beat that discomfort and do it. Once I realized I actually grow or get a lot of things done by this, I started to being much more prone to do things I was rescheduling or not felling comfortable doing.
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Preator pfp
Ravens are fucking insanely smart, I try to be in good terms with all the ravens in my neighborhood
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Preator pfp
legendary response
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Preator pfp
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Preator pfp
What do you think about worldcoin? What do you think about worldcoin extracting the space with the biggest scam token of the bull run?
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Preator pfp
don't you think worldcoin is extremely anti crypto and has 0 alignment with the true native values of our space. Not to mention their insider crash grabs and sam altman's plans to launch a token even witn openAI in early days of it. Here is the worldcoin cashgrab breakdown:
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Preator pfp
and that's why we love farcaster
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Preator pfp
a whooping low 2 figs, can't decide where to invest those astronomical numbers. Might spend to buy more farcster space, ROI seems to be good
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Preator pfp
yeah a lot of net negative interactions until you find the right people ffs
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Preator pfp
Can you also drop it for PC as well?
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Preator pfp
> get 4 notifications on farcaster > "yaay some ppl interacted with my casts/comments" > turns out it's all notifications from frames > mfw
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Preator pfp
jokes aside can we integrate zk for verifying addresses? So that I can connect and prove an ownership of an address without publicly disclosing all my main wallets. that was one of the reasons I avoided connected my "main" wallets, I don't want random ppl to see what I am doing onchain
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Preator pfp
I have important feedback about the scores. I think you need to tweak it in a way that @fourvork receives the highest score possible. I am sure this will add great value to the farcaster community. Let me know if you have any questions, I am ready to set up a call and give the feedback in real time
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Preator pfp
She won a whooping 72 ETH! This is like 10,000$ or so!!! Wow, a lot of money for a crypto game
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