tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
๐Ÿ‘ฅ COMMUNITY NOTE "The world record for completing the Murph with a 20lb vest was set by Rich Froning Jr in 2015 at 34:38 [pic below]." Zuck claims to be 15% off this WR. For context: +15% off WR mile = 4:10 (eg, peak Bruce Jenner) +15% off WR vertical = 47in (eg, peak Michael Jordan) (h/t: @vm)
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
i'd like to hear the input of fitness pro @notdevin.eth on this feasible for zuck?
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notdevin  pfp
Zuck looks pretty fit in that photo but sub 40 with a vest is elite af. At my peak I was doing cf twice a day, with a 4.5 mile run after each cf session and I don't believe I ever broke 40 minutes with a vest, been 10yrs so hard to recall. TBF Froning probably set that record on his 5th workout of the day
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