Gm! Here starts the last day of 2024. I couldn't say it was the best year ever, given what happened to our families and homes, but we held strong and survived. Here comes the good part. I've spent 1800+ hours scrolling Farcaster. This was the year I learned the most, the year I engaged most in Web3 and crypto. Thanks to everyone who made it possible, the people who made the year fun. Thanks to everyone who tipped in crypto or helped me learn. If you're reading this, you're one of those I mean. Sorry if I threw some bad jokes at you, sorry if I was misunderstood sometimes. I'm just a regular smiley guy who wants to spread love & make everyone happy!
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Israa🅰️ 🎩
Gm, nice to be part of this journe. May this year be a turning point in people's life, changing many of what happened🤍 50 $degen
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I'm happy that you are, and hopefully we will build a future together! 100 $DEGEN 🌹
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