Colin pfp
Random things that have exceeded or fell short of my expectations: ⬆️good surround sound speakers ⬆️robot vacuums ⬆️sous vide cooking ⬆️AirPod pros ⬆️quality knives ⬇️iPads ⬇️unpolarized sunglasses ⬇️SendGrid ⬇️nonstick pans
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
Okay the Ipad: could it be a better or more comfortable aalternative to say reading on the go/the couch? Don’t have one but have been thinking about it
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Everbloom pfp
Would recommend because bigger and more beautiful screen than a kindle/book. Woudln't recommend because all the other apps can be a distraction 😂
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