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Greg 🎩 pfp
Greg 🎩
Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor-Green and others said that Durov was detained in France because "he did not censor and violate the right to freedom of speech" 📍Musk: "It's 2030, in Europe you will be executed for liking a meme." 📍Pro-Russian Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Green: "Freedom of speech is under attack all over the world". Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson: "It wasn't Putin who arrested him for giving the public freedom of speech. It was a Western country, an ally of the Biden administration and an active member of NATO, that locked him up. This is a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intelligence agencies." 📍American politician Robert Kennedy Jr: "The need to protect freedom of speech has never been more urgent." It is expected that the case of the Telegram owner will be considered today. "No more impunity for Telegram," the French investigator said.
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et20trader pfp
Yeah it is ok to censor and arrest whoever you do not like like a 2 faced faced hypocrite
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