Erik  pfp



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Erik  pfp
Engaging with blockchain feels like a quest for secrets
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Erik  pfp
The essay examines post-growth as a challenge to endless economic expansion, proposing a future where success is defined by quality of life. Using visioning and back-casting, it suggests paths that emphasize sustainability and balance over constant growth.
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Erik  pfp
Netscape was released 30 years ago this week
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Erik  pfp
Explore two future scenarios of New York in 2075 based on Earth4All’s data, where the city balances serving people and the planet. In the Giant Leap scenario, NYC harnesses energy, innovation, and optimism to become a model of urban climate resilience.
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Erik  pfp
The road to the robotaxis (from the Future Explored newsletter)
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Erik  pfp
Smithery suggests a way to explain the relationship between Scenario, Situation, and Stuff that encourages people to keep revisiting and improving their work. Instead of seeing it as a one-time design process with a final "make stuff" step, it becomes a continuous loop of refinement and improvement.
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Erik  pfp
Stross writes a critical look at space exploration, examining the dreams behind it, how they’re misguided, and questioning if they’re even possible or worth pursuing.
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Erik  pfp
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Erik  pfp
Google scientists developed the “Habermas machine,” a program that helps small groups reach consensus on political issues. It analyzes participants’ views and generates group statements aimed at securing the most support from all members.
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Erik  pfp
When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you invent the plane you also invent the plane crash; and when you invent electricity, you invent electrocution…Every technology carries its own negativity, which is invented at the same time as technical progress. – Paul Virilio As above, so below etc.
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Erik  pfp
Expanding the Futures Cone: Imagining Beyond the Plausible The futures cone maps possibilities, but true innovation requires exponential thinking. As technology evolves, the cone widens into a “horn,” helping us explore futures that seem impossible today but achievable tomorrow.
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Erik  pfp
It’s often that memories drift away from the truth of how we felt, reshaping moments into something softer, or sharper, than they were. "The past is more unpredictable than the future".
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Erik  pfp
Quantum guardrails... IBM aims to secure verbal agreements by creating a system that records conversations and turns them into contracts. This system uses advanced security to protect against hacks, especially from quantum computers, which could easily break traditional security methods.
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Erik  pfp
"As if in each of us There once was a fire And for some of us There seem as if there are only ashes now But when we dig in the ashes We find one ember And very gently we fan that ember Blow on it, it gets brighter And from that ember we rebuild the fire" Love this text from Ram Dass
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Erik  pfp
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Erik  pfp
Checkout the /foresight channel where I post futures thinking, foresight related stuff!
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Erik  pfp
An updated future timeline started back in 2008 (gotta love it when the URL:s all en with .htm). It started as a small website with a short list of future predictions but grew into a detailed timeline, stretching from today to the end of the universe.
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Erik  pfp
A scenario-based that maps causal mechanisms and assumptions leading to the event, resulting in scenarios where the event occurs or doesn't. Ambitious paper! (which I haven't read yet)
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Erik  pfp
TIL that some crows use intersections to crack nuts. They perch on powerlines, wait for the light to turn red and cars to stop, then place nuts in front of car tires. When the light turns green, cars crack the nuts. When the light turns red again, the crows descend to eat.
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Erik  pfp
An article that proposes the destructo ad absurdum test, “if a technology were to vanish overnight, how many people outside that field would be profoundly affected? (A kind of a technical NPS score?) When will life without AI seem unthinkable?
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