Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
There will likely be a bunch of complaints this week about "too much financialization of Farcaster" wrt channel passes. 1. It's still an experiment (why they aren't decentralized) 2. You're free to create a channel without a pass, i.e. free 3. We will have a way to gift passes to people for free
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Eitzi 🎩 βŒπŸ†‡-πŸ†‡πŸ”΅ -β€˜ pfp
Eitzi 🎩 βŒπŸ†‡-πŸ†‡πŸ”΅ -β€˜
If it is for free, it’s mostly spammed
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
or it becomes a never-ending battle with moderation
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