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One thing I always say about Web3 is that it has brought some of the most beautiful souls into my life, people who have truly left a mark on me
Web3 has strengthened my belief that there is still so much good in this world. It’s a space that showed me how love, kindness, and empathy can come together to create something meaningful, and from here, spread beyond it
@Jessy_Jeanne & @DeFinnTheFarmer are two of these incredible souls I’ve had the privilege to meet. There hasn’t been a single day when I wasn’t inspired by them, not just by what they create, but by who they are. Their very essence is what moves me
I love them both, and I’m so happy to see this discussion finally happening!
I invite you to check it out below, dive deeper into DeFinn’s journey, and see for yourself why these two women are so special
And please, take a moment to support Jessy in any way you can. Through this series, she has introduced us to so many brilliant women in the space and I know there are many more to come🌹 1 reply
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