Eduard🌹 pfp



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Eduard🌹 pfp
Dremis – The Gardens of Dreams and People Dremis is not just a place—it's an idea, a symbol of shared dreams, aspirations, and expressions. It offers sanctuary to those wishing to contribute their stories, intertwining their narratives with the vast tapestry of Mismir. Here, dreams aren't mere figments; they are vibrant stories yearning to be shared, waiting to become part of a grand legacy. And so, the legend of Dremis beckons, standing as a beacon within Mismir's universe, inviting all to share, dream, and unite in a collective journey. Dremis is the garden, the digital realm, that lives within a physical garment.
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Eduard🌹 pfp
We need to stop doing things simply because we “are supposed to”—to look cool, please others, or for any other superficial reason—and start doing things that truly ignite our soul. It's within these flames that we find genuine “coolness”, the kind that so many people seek in today's society🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
My dear friend Zoha Kahn, whom I regard as one of the best digital fashion designers, is organizing an exciting digital fashion design course. If you have a passion for digital fashion and aspire to enter the industry smartly and sustainably, this could be your opportunity. Zoha has plenty of experience in the digital fashion realm, having collaborated with brands like SYKY, BAYC, and DressX, and receiving recognition from industry leaders such as Gucci and Balmain I've attached a presentation that provides deeper insights into Zoha's background, what her course covers, and what you'll gain upon completion. The presentation also includes a registration link for the course Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions, and I'll connect you with Zoha PS: I'm not benefiting financially from this promotion—I simply admire and support Zoha as a talented individual and artist Thank you!🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
At Mismir’s core is the tagline 'Redefining Horizons.' Through the collective voice of our community, we aim to redefine not only fashion but also life itself. While the journey is challenging, the first step in redefining horizons is to understand and embrace who we are. We cannot redefine horizons by being someone else. That’s why Mismir advocates for authenticity and individuality. Only through these values can we bring about positive change🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
What I love about collaborations is that they teach us humility, how to listen to others, and the beauty of working together. imo, collaboration means working together toward the best outcome for the entire project. It’s not about whose idea wins, but about finding the idea that suits the project the most🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Gm It’s been a while since I’ve actively engaged with you here, and I’ve missed some of you! I am thankful for those who reached out, as well as the people with whom I’ve managed to keep up during my hiatus. Thank you! I also appreciate all the others who had me in their thoughts during my absence. I know who you are, and I am genuinely grateful for and to you! During this hiatus, I spent a lot of time reflecting on my past, present, and future. I realized that the challenges I’ve faced, which initially seemed like curses and didn’t make sense to me at all, have taught me a lot about life and humanity. Now, after two weeks, I’ve refound my energy and am ready to start a new chapter in my story. The insights and realizations I had during this period—most of which are related to my personal life and I won’t delve into yet—have allowed me to see the world from a different perspective. You know…
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Eduard🌹 pfp
It's been a while since I've been active here, and I wanted to let you know that I will be away for a few more days. Even though I am absent, please feel free to reach out if you need anything. I will do my best to respond promptly and support you as much as possible I've been dealing with some personal challenges that have affected me mentally, and I needed some time to recover my energy. Now, I'm more motivated than ever to bring about positive change. Over the past few weeks, I've realized how much we need more humility, love, kindness, and empathy in the world I hope each of you is well. Remember, you are loved and cherished, not just by me, but by many Thank you to everyone who reached out and continues to believe in and support me. You will never be forgotten, and you will always have my support Much love to you all! See you in a few days, when a new chapter begins, filled with more love, kindness, and empathy than ever before Thank you!🌹 Eduard🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
The easiest way to understand that fashion is more than just garments is to consider why people desire and buy so many new clothes. They are not purchasing them for utility—we already have enough clothes—but rather for expression🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Even in the deepest darkness, there is always a spark within us that can guide us to the light. It's our inner light that turns shadows into illumination. 🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
The future of fashion lies in cultivating a culture of collaboration rather than dictation. Emerging brands must embrace this shift from the outset, while established ones must adapt their approach toward their community accordingly🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
How often do we receive recognition or rewards from those brands for the invaluable promotion we provide completely free? Hardly ever. This is a paradigm ripe for disruption - one I aim to upend through /mismir 🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
I believe that fostering a culture of “quality over quantity” in fashion and transforming mindless consumption into mindful appreciation, necessitates a return to the artistry and storytelling prowess of this art form. Brands and designers must take the initial step, leading by…
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Even in the darkest times, if we keep pushing forward, we will eventually find the light that guides us to a brighter tomorrow🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
@eduardmsmr is my new website Within its confines, you can explore three major realms: My Visual and Textual Sanctuaries, Mismir, and $HIKARI ( discover how you can earn and spend it, and what you can expect from my token in the future) If you have any questions, feel free to ask them!🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Make the most out of the little that you have – this is one of the lessons that Mismir taught me. I didn't have the resources to build this fashion brand as I had envisioned, but I focused on using what I had to bring it to life in my own way. This lesson has also profoundly impacted my personal life in many ways🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
A single spark can ignite a flame that brings warmth and light to the world, uniting hearts and minds across distances. 🌹:
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