Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
POV: there is no influx of people waiting to join Farcaster once it goes permissionless other than airdrop farmers. 1. We use Ethereum, so anyone anti-crypto is won’t be convinced in the near term 2. Existing apps are too similar to Twitter, with way less content New types of apps / behaviors for growth.
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grin↑ pfp
what can ppl get/do here that they can’t anywhere else?
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
As of right now, beyond a differentiated graph, not much beyond a few NFT features. Discove SQL power user stuff is pretty cool. A lot of promise though!
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grin↑ pfp
How does Merkle make money in the medium and long term? The names contract pays out to Merkle directly, plus maybe value-adds on top of the proto?
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